Autumn is coming and, with it, re-entry into fall routines! We’re back to school, back to work, and back to getting out the door on time. It’s surprising how much time you can save in the morning with ten minutes of prep the night before. Follow these simple steps to get back into the swing of things while staying cool, calm and collected.
1. Start Fresh
Nothing slows you down in the morning like navigating the minefield of yesterday’s clutter. To save time in the morning, take a few minutes before bedtime and clear the mess out of your way!
Putting things back in their place before you go to bed will leave your path clear when you start a new day. Set aside a few minutes in the evening to:
Return shoes to the shoe basket or closet and hang up coats.
Wipe down the kitchen counter, put food and dishes away, and run the dishwasher.
Start a load of laundry.
Recycle the day’s junk mail and newspapers. More will come tomorrow! File important pieces of mail in your inbox.
2. Get in Synch
Set yourself up for success in the morning by getting a head start on the tasks you need to get done before heading out the door. The night before:
Prep lunch/snacks for yourself and/or kids. You can pre-pack non-perishables. Even if you don’t, simply knowing what you plan to pack will save you time in the morning.
Choose outfits and lay them out.
Pack up your papers. Kids backpacks should have homework and projects in order. Ditto for adult briefcases, backpacks and messenger bags.
Prepare for exercise: If you’re going to the gym and/or your kids have sports, equipment, outfits and water bottles should be ready to go.
3. Plan for Fun
The best way to have a good morning is to have a good night. Give yourself some quiet time in bed to read, listen to a podcast, meditate, or just relax. (Here are some tips for creating a more restful bedtime environment.) If you’ve taken ten minutes to prepare yourself for tomorrow, you’ll sleep better knowing you’re already a step ahead.
Are you having trouble getting back into the post-summer vacation flow? Do you have a challenge you don’t want to tackle on your own? I’m always here to help.
Don’t forget I’m always here to help.